Garden Caretaking Services FAQs

Below we have compiled a list of the garden caretaking services questions we are asked most frequently, our FAQs.

Q. Can you rake up the leaves in my lawn and give it a mow?

A. We do not provide lawn maintenance. We are in the business of converting lawn to native.

Q. How do I know if I would be monthly or bi-monthly?

A. The frequency of visits is dependent on the site and client’s needs.

Q. What if my garden isn’t native?

A. That is ok! We can still care for your garden if your intention is to move in the direction of increasing native habitat. This means, for example, if a plant needs to be replaced, we would offer appropriate native alternatives that serve the same aesthetic purpose while also providing habitat for native wildlife.

Q. Do you use sprays to take care of pests?

A. We avoid using harmful pesticides. Instead, we learn the life cycle of common pests and intervene by identifying eggs or nymphs and eradicating them by hand. For some pests, we can set up traps at appropriate times before they have ravaged your gardens. For worst case scenarios, we have an in-house plant healthcare team that assists to manage pest issues in a thoughtful and careful way, that balances ecological sustainability with plant health and appearance.

Q. What about herbicides?

A. We avoid using harmful herbicides. We primarily hand-pick weeds or, for larger removal of invasive plant species, we will bring in larger equipment and skilled equipment operators from our team to take care of the job. We also employ occultation and smothering techniques to rid areas of weeds and invasive species, using tarps and cardboard.

Q. The deer eat everything in my garden! How do you take care of that?

A. The deer in this area are no joke – they are plentiful and hungry. The best way to prevent deer from destroying your garden is to install a deer fence around the designated area. However, that is not a realistic solution for everyone. The second best way we keep deer away from your blooms is by applying deer repellent.

Q. Do you maintain ponds?

A. We do not, but we may be able to connect you with a local pond service company.

Do you have sizable perennial garden beds in need of seasonal or routine care?

If you still have questions about our garden caretaking services, please fill out our interest form.

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